
Closure, Restoration & Aftercare Management Plan (CRAMP)

CRAMP reporting refers to the program of planned and costed measures required, once an activity ceases, to render the site of the activity environmentally safe. The required measures, scope and timescale required to render a site / activity safe are different from site to site, and therefore several forms of closure plan exist;

  • Closure Management Plan (CMP)
  • Decommissioning Management Plan (DMP),
  • Restoration Management Plan (RMP)
  • Closure, Restoration & Aftercare Management Plan (CRAMP)

“Closure” refers to relatively short-term measures necessary to close a site satisfactorily, including decommissioning and residuals management.

“Restoration/aftercare” refers to longer term measures that are necessary where environmental liabilities remain following closure, e.g. contaminated soil and groundwater, landfills, extractive waste facilities, mines, quarries and soil recovery facilities. Measures may encompass activities such as rehabilitation, remediation, restoration, ongoing emissions control and monitoring.

Closure Plans are completed in accordance with the EPA issued guidance EPA “Guidance on assessing and costing environmental liabilities” 2014.

Closure planning is a common condition included in IPC, Industrial Emission and Waste licences issued by the EPA.

    Panther Environmental Solutions